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Content production tools

Produce content in an agile way with H5P tools

What needs do you have for e-learning content?

H5P is a browser-based content production tool that you can use to create various online training materials, interactive exercises, games, quizzes and other interactive elements. H5P is integrated with FlowLMS and available to FlowLMS customers.

If you want to use existing PowerPoint presentations and take them to the next level, iSpring Suite is the right tool for you. You can use it to add simulations, a wide range of tasks, and interactive pictures and diagrams to your presentations.

The courses you create are seamlessly browsable on any terminal device your learners use.

We can train you in how to effectively use content production tools, whether you choose H5P (a content production tool built in to the core of the FlowLMS e-learning environment) or iSpring Suite.

To support your content production, we can provide you with e-learning templates featuring your company’s branding to make it extremely easy to make e-learning courses.

Send us your contact details or book a presentation

We are happy to tell you more about these fantastic tools.